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Open Air Theatre

Redeem Your Theatre Tokens:

In Person: The Ironworks, Inner Circle, Regents Park, LONDON, NW1 4NU
Phone: 0844 826 4242
     Call cost: Calls cost 7p/pm* (*plus your telephone company’s network charge)
Online: Not yet available at this theatre. See who redeems online here.

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Baker St


Just for performances


Just for performances


Just for performances

Access Info

We aim for one performance per play

Its steeply raked auditorium is one of the largest in London with 1,256 seats, yet those who attend say it is one of the most intimate. Each night an incomparable atmosphere is created by the buzz of people enjoying their theatregoing in every sense: friends setting up hampers on the picnic lawn, filling their glasses with wine or drinking Pimm's in the bar as the fairy lights twinkle in the trees. Yet the Open Air Theatre is not just about an amazing atmosphere, it is about remarkable storytelling too. Built upon a core of outstanding dramatic credentials, we aim to present bold and dynamic productions that stimulate the senses. Weather and climate add a thrilling contribution to our work, making the relationship between performer, text and audience a truly unique event at every performance.

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