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Playhouse Theatre, Liverpool

Redeem Your Theatre Tokens:

In Person: Williamson Square, LIVERPOOL, Merseyside, L1 1EL
Phone: 0151 709 4776
Online: Not yet available at this theatre. See who redeems online here.

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Liverpool Lime Street Station


Performance Times

Access Info

The Liverpool Playhouse, along with it's sister theatre the Liverpool Everyman, are two distinct theatres, almost a mile apart, which together make up a single artistic force. For over ten years we have been driven by our passion for theatre, our love of our city and our unswerving belief that theatre at its best can transform lives. While our two buildings could hardly be more different, they are united by our commitment to brilliant, humane, forward-thinking theatre that responds to its time and place. Our mission is to reflect the aspirations and concerns of our audiences, to dazzle and inspire them, welcome and connect with them, nurture the artists within them and fuel their civic pride.

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