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Apollo Victoria Theatre
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Apollo Victoria Theatre

Redeem Your Theatre Tokens:

In Person: 17 Wilton Road, London, SW1V 1LG
Phone: 0844 871 7667
     Call cost: Calls cost 7p/pm* (*plus your telephone company’s network charge)

Victoria Station (Victoria, District and Central Lines)


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Located on both levels of the theatre

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The Apollo Victoria Theatre has a heritage dating back to 1929, when it opened as a state-of-the-art cinema, commissioned by Provincial Cinematograph Theatres (PCT) to accommodate the growing popularity of ‘talking pictures’. Designed by architect Ernest Walmsley Lewis, the theatre is in an Art Deco style that is now decorated to reflect the glittering Emerald City. Upon its official opening in 1930, the Gaumont British News charmingly called the theatre interior ‘a fairy cavern under the sea, or a mermaid’s dream of heaven’. Known as the New Victoria Cinema, the building was renowned as a place to watch film, big band and variety performances, all within walking distance of the bustling Victoria station. In February 2006, Wicked moved into the theatre, opening in September to rapturous praise and overwhelming commercial success. Wicked continues to be a hugely popular hit, showing little signs of slowing down for the foreseeable future.

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