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Courtyard Theatre, Hereford

Redeem Your Theatre Tokens:

In Person: Edgar Street, HEREFORD, HR4 9JR
Phone: 01432 340 555


Access Info

For more popular events such as pantomime or week-long running showsIntermittently in our bi-monthly film seasonsWe provide 1 relaxed performance of our pantomime each year

The Courtyard Centre for the Arts is the leading arts provider in Herefordshire and a registered charity. We have a 436-seat main house, a 120-seat studio theatre, rehearsal rooms, a gallery, meeting spaces and an award-winning cafe bar. Whilst being primary a receiving venue, we also produce in house including our annual panto, youth theatre shows and some co-producing. We have a varied live, film and visual arts programme, a thriving youth theatre and work extensively with people of all ages in the community.

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