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New London Theatre

Redeem Your Theatre Tokens:

In Person: 166 Drury Lane, LONDON, WC2B 5PW
Phone: 0844 412 4654
     Call cost: Calls cost 6p/pm* (*plus your telephone company’s network charge)

Covent Garden and Holborn


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Bar is open before performances

Access Info

For detailed access information please visit the theatre's access page:

Whilst the New London is a modern building there has been entertainment on the site since Elizabethan times. The theatre is close to both Covent Garden and Holborn tubes.

The first production in the current building was a television recording of Marlene Dietrich’s one-woman show and the first full production was The Unknown Soldier and his Wife in 1973, written by and starring Peter Ustinov. Subsequent productions include Grease with Richard Gere, Bruce Forsyth’s one-man show and Sheila Hancock in Deja Revue.

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