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St Martin's Theatre
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St Martin's Theatre

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In Person: West Street, Cambridge Circus, LONDON, WC2H 9NZ
Phone: 020 7836 1443

Leicester Square


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Access Info

Patrons with specific access or seating requirements should book with the Box Office direct on 020 3034 2604. Bookings for specific seats should be made early to avoid disappointment. Bookings and enquires can also be taken by email at For detailed access information please visit the theatre's access page:

Following the extensive interior refurbishment over the last few years the St Martin's has recently undergone a major exterior refurbishment. The outside has been restored to its former glory.
A replica of the original 1916 canopy was constructed in Cheshire and put in place in February 1998. The whole of the exterior has been repaired and repainted.
This beautiful building is one of the few West End theatres that is still privately owned. If it were a car it would be very saleable indeed: One owner, full service history, excellent runner, lovingly restored, immaculate inside and out!

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